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Style sheet for manuscript

Style Sheet for English Manuscripts[April 1, 1992, as amended at September 12, 1997, and June 26, 1998]

1.0 Preparation of Manuscripts
1.1 All manuscripts must be submitted with the Society's over sheet.

1.2 Manuscripts should be submitted either word processor printed output or type written. Submissions should be on A4 typed paperand double spaced for word processor or outputtype written.

1.3 All characters,symbols etc. should be entered as type written or printed characters. Place names, personal names, company names and proper nouns should be written as in their original languages.

1.4 In principle, scientific, technical, and JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) terminology may be used.

1.5 Headings and subheadings should be designated by the point system to distinguish between various levels.





1.6 The items should be written on the manuscript cover sheet.

(1) Type of papers (original, technical report, research note, review, perspective, commentary etc.)
(2) Title
(3) Authors names and affiliated organization including addresses.
(4) If there is explanatory material regarding the subject (for example,the main theme of a series of research reports etc.), this should be included in a footnote.
(5) Key Words

 These should be entered in accordance within the limit on number of words for the type of report.

1.7 Paper manuscripts (original, technical report, research note) should be written in the following order.

Abstract, Body

1.8 The body of a report should be written in the following manner. Preface, Theory, Experiment, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References.

 If there are unnecessary elements,these can be skipped.For the body of research notes, it is not necessary to follow this out line and research notes can be written more simply.

2.0 Units, Symbols

2.1 Mathematical symbols (+, -, x, M etc.), quantitative symbols (height, time etc.) should be accordance with the following JIS display methods, in principle.

Mathematical symbols JIS Z 8201-1981
Quantitative symbols JIS Z 8202-1985

2.2 For reports, SI units should be used in principle (JIS Z 8203-1985). However, this does not necessarily apply to articles other than reports.

3.0 Numbers, Equations

3.1 Independently written equations should be written

 however, equations in sentences should be written a/b, (a+b) / (c+d) in a one row. Top equations, bottom equations etc. should be clearly designated.

3.2 Characters that are easy to mistake, for example, upper case letters such as C, K, O, P, S, U, V, W, X, Y, Z etc. and lower case characters, or O (oh) and 0 (zero), r and d (gamma), k and n (kappa), x and B (chi), w and D (omega), should be distinguished as clearly as possible.

4.0 References

 References should be clearly marked in the body of the paper by the name of the person or topic at the right by 2) and the references listed at the end of the paper in accordance with these markers.

4.1 Journals

(1) When journals are cited, the citation should be written in the following order. Reference number), Author (all), Journal, Volume (Bold Face), page, (year of publication)

1) Yano, T. : J. Food Eng., 6 (3),217 (1987)

(2) The name of the journal should be abbreviated in accordance with the practice of Chemical Abstracts or International Packaging Abstracts.

4.2 Books

(1) When citing books,the citation should be written in the following order. Reference number), Author, "Title of book" Volume (editors name), Publisher, page (year)

1) Crosby, N. T. : "Food Packaging Materials", Applied Science Publishing Ltd., p. 125 (1981)

4.3 Oral Presentation Abstracts

(1) If oral presentation abstracts are cited, citations should be written in the order of name of author, name of professional society, abstract source, page (year).

4.4 Patents

(1) When patents are cited,citation should be written in the order of name of inventor, (an applicant), patent number or publication or provisional publication number.

(2) If it is not written inventor's name, the applicant may be the inventor.

5.0 Figures, Tables, Photographs

5.1 Photographs will be accepted as figures. Photographs should be monochromes in principle. If color photographs are desired to insert, the author will be charged.

5.2 Figures and Tables for originals, technical reports and research notes should be numbered Fig. 1, Fig. 2 ··· , Table 1, Table 2 ··· respectively.

5.3 Figures and Tables should be prepared one per separate sheet of paper and the location in the paper indicated where the Figure or Table should be inserted.

5.4 As Figures for originals, technical reports and research notes will be used directly as camera ready copy, figures should be clearly drawn.

6.0 Abstract

6.1 Abstracts should the points that the author would like to stress and summarize the objectives, methods and results.

6.2 The length of the abstract should be in accordance with the guide for submission of manuscripts.

6.3 Abstracts should be word processor output or double space typed or on A4 paper.

6.4 A Japanese abstract should be attached if possible.